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Further Information about GHC

How can I find my family?

We recommend using Here you will find a search engine for anyone in our cemetery that has been documented by one of their thousands of volunteers. If you are unable to find your family reach out via email with your loved one's first name, last name and date of death. We will search for your family and report back their location. If you would like to be taken to your family's location we can set up an appointment.

When are visiting hours?

You can visit the cemetery 365 days from 9am-5pm weather permitting. The cemetery may close at the discretion of the Superintendent due to snow, high winds, heavy rainfall or unforeseen circumstances. To speak with the Superintendent or caretakers you must make an appointment.

Who takes care of the Cemetery?

The cemetery is maintained by the members of The Green Hill Cemetery Grounds Committee and the help of a few Adopt-A Grave volunteers. If you are unhappy with the conditions of the cemetery during the summer please see the FAQ: How can I help?

My plot says perpetual care, what does this mean?

Perpetual care is often mistaken for annual care. The cemetery offered a perpetual care option up to the 1990's. If it is on a family plot it means a small fee (about $20) was paid into a fund for general upkeep of the overall cemetery. This fund has since been depleted.

Does Green Hill Cemetery offer annual care?

The short answer is no. Annual care is different than perpetual care because it is an annual fee paid to the cemetery to upkeep a specific plot. Green Hill has never offered this and is unable to provide this option due to lack of resources.

What do the voluntary caretakers do?

In short, they do everything. They open and close the cemetery, mow, weed eat, remove limbs and fallen trees, set small headstones, run security, sell plots, help with plot location and genealogy, repair and maintain the 1901 Caretakers Lodge (you can help here), protect and maintain original interment logs from 1898. They also created this website, the Adopt-A -Grave program, all social media and contact platforms. They find ways to bring more people into the cemetery through community events and family involvement.

When is the mowing season?

The mowing season officially starts in June and ends in August per the GHC Board. However, the voluntary caretakers start in March and end once it is too cold to mow. This is one perk of having volunteers instead of paid workers. We can work longer and there is no cost to the Cemetery.

How can I help?

Participate in our Adopt-A-Grave program. Donate to Restore our Caretaker's Lodge GoFundMe. Bring positive attention to our historic cemetery and need for volunteers. Any small task such as, piling fallen limbs near the road for removal, sweeping off headstones, and collecting trash and debris. Follow all rules and regulations when decorating headstones to help with mowing and keeping caretakers and equipment protected. Most importantly, when interacting with caretakers be kind and show some grace during mowing season.

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